Shay Carl's wife, Colette Butler Wiki Bio, cheating, children, awards and net worth

• Colette Butler is an American YouTuber and member of the first family of YouTube, wife of Shay Carl, leading figure of Shaytards group.
• Her major break came with her joining the Shaytards family’s YouTube channel and has almost 900,000 subscribers.
• She and her family have appeared on Anderson Cooper and Ellen DeGeneres and her fourth child, Brock, became famous as the internet’s first Truman baby.
• Part of Colette’s YouTube participation is “The Mom’s View and The Mom’s View Too”, a community of mothers.
• Her net worth is estimated to be over $300,000 as of 2019.

If you are conversant with the American social media landscape and very much into YouTube video following, you should be familiar with the famous Shaytards family. If that is the case, then the name Colette Butler should be quite familiar. The family is considered the first family of YouTube, and Colette is the wife of the man of the show, Shay Butler! Like every showbiz personality, Colette has her past and also her present which many followers would like to know more about to understand the character they are following; this is why we have yet again conducted detailed research to bring you sizzling information about the celebrity. In this episode, you will have first-hand information about Shay Carl’s wife, her background and family, her early life and her career and other things she does outside vlogging. We will tell you about her private life activities including her married life, her children, and clear the air on gossip about cheating. This discussion will be concluded by letting you know about her net worth. Read on and pay close attention as we bring you uncensored information about Shay Carl’s wife!

Who is Colette Butler?

She is an American YouTuber and member of the first family of YouTube, wife of Shay Carl the leading figure of Shaytards group. Colette was born to Coleen and Vince Crofts on 29 June 1982 in California, USA, so her nationality is American as are both her parents and of Caucasian ethnicity.

Early life

At birth, she was named Colette Katy Crofts but popularly known simply, as Colette Butler. She was raised by her parents along four siblings – Adam, Callie, Sadie, and Candance. She lost her biological mother to cancer when she was eleven years of age, and as a result, Colette has a stepmom named Peggy, and by this connection she has several other step sisters and brothers.

There is no available record about her early learning and development. Also, it should be noted that Colette was not such a famous personality before her marriage to the YouTube megastar; we will discuss other available information surrounding her life as a celebrity.

Her career life

She started publishing as a solo vlogger in 2007 before she joined the Shaytards family. Although this effort with Katilette channel was mostly routine, her success cannot be compared to what she has achieved today with almost 900,000 subscribers as of October 2018. Before her vlogging adventure, she was an exercise trainer and participated in the long distance race at the 2012 San Francisco Marathon; she had an interest in healthy activities.

Her major break came with her joining the Shaytards family’s YouTube channel where her subscriber base rose remarkably from the staggering number in the thousands to almost five million subscribers as a member of the successful YouTubing family. In a nutshell, her success revolves around the vast opportunity presented by her family, and continues to play a pivotal role in her stardom.

Showbiz is Colette’s family business

The focus of her business is the presentation of the necessary information about her life and that of her family. This daily online routine attracts followers who subscribe to their channel to learn more about the individual members, including her husband and children.  Available information shows that her children are all into YouTube presentation, and they are also stars at various levels of popularity. From appearing on favorite showbiz shows to featuring on magazine cover page, Colette and her family continue to rule the showbiz world with fanfare.

She and her family have appeared on Anderson Cooper and Ellen DeGeneres.  Her fourth child, Brock, became famous as the internet’s first Truman baby due to the parents recording of his life events since birth. By the same stroke, her second child, Avia, is a talented singer who sang the song “Forever love to her name,” released on 12 June 2014 while other members of the family continue to display rare talents in the family showbiz adventure.

Part of Colette’s YouTube participation is “The Mom’s View and The Mom’s View Too,” this is a community of mothers doing what they know best to uplift motherhood. They discuss topics ranging from pregnancy, the symptoms, managing babies and parenting. This channel is especially relevant in educating young mothers to learn about parenthood. Also, subscribers learn about exercising for mothers, and similar content that is beneficial to the health of mothers.

Due partly to the success on YouTube with almost 900,000 subscribers, her followers on other social media platforms increase remarkably, with over 460,000 on Twitter, 830,000 on Instagram and Facebook, building for her a highly impressive fan base.

Personal life

She has been married to Shay Carl Butler since 2003 and blessed with five children whose names are Gavin, Avia, Emmi, Brock, and Daxton, who like the parents, are public figures having been recorded and distributed to the public. Through their parent’s laurels, the children may also have huge success waiting to happen in the showbiz world.

Cheating Scandal

Like the cliché everything with a beginning will have an end, the rising glory of the Shaytards family’s YouTube channel was disrupted on 11 February 2017 by an allegation of cheating revealed after a three-month romance between Shay Butler and Aria Nina, who disclosed the affair taking place between them. The scandal, however, was blamed on alcoholism, which Shay Butler was reported seeking help to resolve. According to Shay’s tweet, “I thought I was able to escape addiction & it’s associated demons, but that disease has manifested itself back into my life (due to my decisions) because it is a lifelong disease,” Mr. Butler continues that “I am not making excuses. I have a problem. This problem has hurt the ones I love most because I delayed the decision to get help.”

Following the scandal, the Shaytards family channel which began in 2008 with remarkable following came to an abrupt end, as it ceased to upload new videos which hurt the celebrity channel significantly.

Despite the setback to the Shaytards family, Colette has returned to The Mom’s View channel with Kayli Butler (her sister-in-law) and Carlie Wood.

In a fence-mending effort, Shay has publicly said sorry to Colette saying “I want to apologize. I want to say I’m sorry to my wife, my kids, my family, and I want to say sorry to all of you. A lot of people say I don’t owe anybody an apology, but I do… I still believe that happiness is a choice.”

Have you guessed where we are going yet!?

— Colette Butler (@katilette) July 3, 2018

Colette awards

  • Mashable 2009
  • Her family channel, Shaytards received the Mashable Open Web Award for the Best YouTube Channel or Personality in 2009.
  • 4th Streamy Awards 2014
  • Shaytards received another award in 2014, the 4th Streamy Awards ICON award for entrepreneurship category.

Before the 4th Streamy Award, Shaytards was nominated for the 3rd edition in the Best Non-Fiction or Reality Series category but did not win.

Net worth

While Colette has been mostly successful in her career, there is no specific information regarding her earning and how much is her net worth, but sources estimate that the latter is over $300,000 as of 2019.
