How to Get Invited to Instagram Reels Bonus? Monetize & Paid for Reels Eligibility & more

How to Get Invited to Instagram Reels Bonus: We all are familiar with name of TikTok social media application which has touched the sky in few months in terms of user growth. It is only takes few dates to reach million downloads on play store.

This app is only contain video sharing free to all users to make his own video by using any sound and there is no copy rights issue for any users. By seeing success of this feature Many major application also launched this feature.

For Example Snapchat launched spotlight in which you can upload a video, YouTube made available YouTube short option and Instagram launches the Instagram reels features of its users. Making tough competition for Tik Tok.

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Invited to Instagram Reels Bonus Overview:

TopicHow to Get Invited to Instagram Reels Bonus
ProviderNAYAG Team

How to Get Invited to Instagram Reels Bonus

You know the Instagram reels is a perfect alternative of TikTok with some extra features. Snapchat spotlight and YouTube shorts are also a tough Competitor of each other but at now the Instagram reels is in trending. As Instagram start paying reels creators same as a Payment program of TikTok & YouTube Short Fund.

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YouTube also have a own payment policy. Now, Instagram also started paying to its creators for a certain no. of plays and views on reels video. They have a some term & conditions to take invitation of Instagram reels bonus. Being paid to video creators is new for Instagram but it is not a new concept for other alternatives.

How to Monetize Instagram

If Instagram sent you an invitation for taking a part in Instagram reel bonus. You need to first monetized your Instagram account. It is first step to take a part in Instagram reel bonus in which Instagram pay to video creators based in views on reels. If you want to monetize your Instagram account So, follow these steps are below under.

  • First you have a content or business type account.
  • You need to switch in professional dashboard to view your account growth.
  • You have at least 1000 followers on your account.
  • Also you have a sufficient no. of views on your reels.

These are the some main points to monetize your account. Now Instagram have a two paying methods to the video creators. One is Instagram reels plays and second is placing a ads on your reels video to getting a money from brand.

How to get Paid for Instagram Reels

Instagram have two paying methods on your hard work. Now we talk on first is Instagram reels bonuses in which you get paid when you eligible for getting participate in Instagram bonus program.

Instagram gave a invitation to take participate in the Instagram reels bonus program if you are eligible. In this program you have a certain time to reach maximum no. views on your video which is posted after the participation in program.

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You have only 30 days in which you get a view goal selected by Instagram for you. The goal of no. of views is set by the progress of your account and paid by also the progress of your account. As of April 2022 Instagram bonus payout sets a limit of 11 million views for $1,200 and 359 million views for $35000. This is only available when Instagram sent you a invitation, if you not received any invitation wait for getting a invitation.

The second method of payment method of Instagram is placing a ad on your reels video. The brands pay to user according to the views on his reel video. Some users who’s account have monetized they starting the affiliate marketing of the products and get the commission on every product.

Instagram Reels Bonus Eligibility

For taking a participate in Instagram reels Bonus you have invitation from Instagram to take a part in this program. You have minimum 1000 followers on your account and sufficient no. of views.

For checking the eligibility read these lines :

  • It’s only eligible for original creator of reel video
  • It is not a sponsored/branded content.
  • Not to receive any reels violation in 30 days of program
  • Instagram disqualify your reels when anyone gives you strike

Frequently asked Questions:

Q1. Is it available for all users in the world?

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Ans, No, now it is available for only U.S users.

Q2. What can I do for getting invitation in Instagram reels bonus program?

Ans. Only you wait for getting a invitation from Instagram.

Q3. How many views are needed for getting Instagram bonus?

Ans. You need only 1000 views on reels to getting Instagram bonus.


Thank you for reading this article. We hope this article is helpful for you. In this article we telling you about on Invited in Instagram reels bonus. This is a new payment method of Instagram just like TikTok in which users says the payout in Instagram is much more than Tik Tok application.

After the reading of article you understand how to monetize our account on Instagram and what necessary conditions of getting invitation of Instagram reel bonus. If you getting a invitation go and participate in this program and get bonus from the Instagram.

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